
Norton mobile security for Samsung Galaxy series

Norton mobile security
Norton mobile security

Recently, Norton from Symantec announces the availability of mobile security for the Android operating system to a Samsung smartphone. Norton mobile security is also to be connected in a number of Samsung Galaxy series.

According to Norton, the smartphone has the potential to become a new target of cyber crime. Moreover, the current smartphone sales surpassed sales of Personal Computer.

"With sales of smart phones are now outselling PC, cyber criminals are creating new threats every day for stealing from phone users. Consumers should have more protection than ever before," said Janice Chaffin, group president, Consumer Business Unit, Symantec in a written statement.

Norton Mobile Security combines anti-theft features with a powerful antimalware to protect critical data owned by the user. Locate Remote features a smartphone capable of showing the location of the user, if lost or stolen.

Remote Lock feature allows the user to lock via the Internet or SMS from a remote phone when lost or stolen. The Remote Wipe allows to erase the data on your mobile via SMS.

mobile security
mobile security

In addition, the phone also locked automatically if the SIM card was retrieved or replaced, so the phone can not use another SIM card.

Anti-malware feature scans all the files and update applications that are downloaded and automatically detects and eliminate security threats without slowing the phone.

To scan the memory card, SD Card Scanning gives the user the option to automatically scan the SD memory card (Secure Digital) of the current threats to mobile phone users to install. And the Automatic LiveUpdate feature is able to download and install security updates automatically.

Norton Mobile Security can be downloaded from the category of "Utility" in Samsung apps or by entering the keyword search "Norton Mobile Security" into the search on the Samsung Apps. Norton Mobile Security supports all smart phone Samsung Galaxy Android, including Samsung Galaxy S2.

The price of a license for one year was $14. Samsung will also offer a free 90 day subscription to Norton Mobile Security.

1 comment:

  1. Really great information of galaxy and solution on your sites and really very nice information of mobile security for samsung. Thanks for informative information.


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