Google distributing Android Jelly Bean

Android Jelly Bean
Android Jelly Bean

Google reportedly plans to make five phone manufacturers could taste first Android Jelly Bean. Through this plan, Google will no longer focus on the rows of the Nexus.

As information from TechRadar, the existence of these new plans revealed by the Wall Street Journal. Jelly Bean by distributing early, there will be some devices that come with Nexus.

Currently, there is only one vendor who created the Nexus series devices with the latest version of Android. In the meantime, the last vendor the opportunity is Samsung.

This change in strategy is said to give a major influence on Android. Especially when compared to current methods of inhibiting the release of Android update.

Google search engine company also plans to sell the cell appears directly, rather than have to rely on the operator. This means that Google will bring a handheld device is unlocked and without a SIM card in some regions such as Europe and United States.


  1. i still confuse
    so jelly bean android is known as android 4.1 or android 5.0
    beacuse i read some article says that android 4.1 is jelly bean

  2. I think, android very fast to upgrade their version. My android still 2.3 :D
    But is nothing problem, maybe the next time i'll buy new android version to get the max access for everthing apps.


    1. Yes. I have recently bought a new Samsung Samsung Smartphone (Galaxy Grand) that have Android Jelly Bean. Jelly Bean is just awesome as far better than all the old versions. But this is really true, the Android is releasing it's version at very fast speed if we compare it with iPhone.
      Android Home Launchers

  3. Android operating system Jelly Bean 4.1 is the quickest and easiest version of Android operating system yet. Jelly Bean improves on the simplicity and beauty of Android operating system 4.0, and presents a new Search experience on Android operating system. Everything in Jelly Bean feels fast, liquid, and sleek. Moving between homepages and changing between applications is simple and easy, like turning pages in a book.

    Android Application Development


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